Wednesday, November 9, 2011

기념일 축하

selamat tanggal 9 november 2011
setelah 2 tahun
Ari Gustian Ihsan Arif Rahman Rendi Apriyandi Nugraha Angga Bagja Nugraha Yulyan Rindiyani Santi Rahmawati Suci Nurul Fitriani Rifan Hanggoro Rizqy Muhammad Akbar Aidil Fitri Topan Habib Albani Hidayat Rahmi Fauzy Neneng Rida Rifaatul Musyarofah Fajar Daniegia Kautsar Deris Triana Noor Setya Surya Pratama Irfan Hilmi Hamdani Hani Lesmanawati Bella Selfira Salsabila Lisna Dwi Solihat Denni - Irfalam Giovaldi Perdana Winne Tri Puji Lestari Rizki Nugraha Rani Rubiyanti

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Madre. Bagian manis dari liburanku. Setelah berhari-hari berkutat dengan DVD player dan kaset-kaset yang aku kumpulkan, drama dan kasus pembunuhan.
Aku mengagumi karya-karya Dewi Lesatari sejak pertama kali membaca Rectoverso (2008) yang ku pinjam dari teman sekelasku saat masih berada di bangku SMP. Tidak lama setelah itu aku dipertemukan dengan Supernova di sebuah rental buku langganan sahabatku, dan meminjam ketiga jilid Supernova, namun tersesat dalam sastra yang tak begitu aku mengerti dalam usia belia. Bukan sastra kepiyauanku, dan mungkin takkan pernah aku dalami jika takdir sesuai dengan rencanaku hari ini. Beberapa waktu lalu menjamah novel perahu kertas juga meninggalkan kesan yang menarik. Namun pada akhirnya karya sastra Dewi Lestari yang keempat berhasil ku jelajahi setelah memohon untuk dipinjamkan dari om-om yang sering menjadi korban novel remaja hahaha. Bukan pilihan yang akan disesali nanti setelah membaca madre, dan aku perkenalkan buku ini :

Judul: Madre
Penulis: Dewi Lestari (Dee)
Tebal: (Cuma) 176 Halaman
Penerbit: Bentang Pustaka

"Apa rasanya sejarah hidup kita berubah dalam sehari?
Darah saya mendadak seperempat Tionghoa,
nenek saya ternyata tukang roti, dan dia,
bersama kakek saya yang tidak saya kenal,
mewariskan anggota keluarga yang tidak pernah saya tahu :

Sunday, August 21, 2011


we were so different but opposite attract
so my heart keep growin and i never look back
it's funny i said we'd never make it
and look how far we've come
you're a trainwreck, but with you i'm in love
 demi lovato - trainwreck (2009)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

sarapan di bulan ramadhan

grafis-seni visual
gambar digital yang dapat dimanipulasi-desaingrafis
atribut grafis:
a. warna : CMYK (Cyan, magenta, yellow, black), RGB (red, green, blue), BW (black and white)
b. resolusi grafik : CMYK (Cyan, magenta, yellow, black), RGB (red, green, blue), BW (black and white)
c. tipe file :
  • JPG, JPEG, TIFF, TIF, PING (bitmap)
  • EPS, AI, CDR
tipe grafis:
  1. grafis vektor : grafis dari obejk berupa grs dan kurva berdasarkan rumus matem / buatan
  2. grafis bitmap : menggunakan titik berwarna (pixel) / asli

Friday, August 5, 2011


it's a bad idea to write tonight. but well, do you guys remember my second posting at friday night like this, 20th february 2009? :))
couldnt imagine what i thought that night, i was telling you about hot crispy! what a shoot!
it has been 3 years ago. and now i'm 17, eat such that hot crispy with brands LOL :P
i would like to stop my passion to tell funny story again like a 14 y.o. girl.
yea, so much time passed. too much i mean.
my parents, classmates, best friends, clique friends, what? am i still look like a junior high school student?
i love them all, no exception. but in different way for each person i ever had.
just define have.
if someday i left this town, left this country, left this world, how would i be memoriesed?
sounds familiar rite? i watched that film with some buddies. fun buddies. cool and humble buddies.
would i still have'em in the future? no one knows.
for god's shake, i really wanna make'em proud. i cry till sleep, for being someone with a good pattern of life.
i like so much kinds of film. but in the end, whatever the film was, always there would be some bells. ringing for a door to open.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

hystorical quotes of the day

you were never supposed to mean this much to me, i was never supposed to fall so hard. But you know what? i did and that's the truth, that's what keeps me holding on because it hurts like hell to let you go.
"cie" means i'm jealous
if it still hurts, that means you still care
this is looking like a contest of who can act like they care less
i dont hate you, just dont care about you
the less you care the heppier you will be
- Alexithymia is difficulty describing feeling to other people
pain makes you stronger, tears make you braver, heartbreak make you wiser. so thank the past for a better future.
when someone says "you just made my day" it makes my day.
guy friends are bomb. they're hilarious, cool, fun to hang out with, no awkwardness until you start to like one.
- physiological fact : the human body's response to love are pupil dilation, sweaty palms and increase heart rate. these are the same response that gives off when experiencing deep fear

i just like you, afraid of losing you but not too much not so enough. "you never realise how much you like somone until you watch them like someone else" tha's why i keep me inside yours.
wierd may not always be good. but wierd's always different.
anyone can love the rose but it takes a great deal to love a leaf. it's ordinary to love the beautiful, but it is beautiful to love the ordinary.
- fact 418 from tinyfacts : humans and dolphins are the only animal species that make love for pleasure

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

chevron >>

honestly, setelah beberapa tahun blogwalking sangat disadari bahwa almost what i posted is rubbishing :))
hampir semuanya curhat yang tersirat.
tentang tersirat, aku udah kelas 12 looooh (apa hubungannya?)
jadi gini sejak 2 tahun yang lalu aku mengabdi pada nusa dan bangsa, yo man! *naon
maksudnya sejak awal masuk SMA, masih banyak sekali yang harus dibenahi. ada satu semester lagi yang harus aku kejar demi cita2 masuk SNMPTN undangan u,u
sayangnya masih banyak banget to do list yang belom bisa dicapai dalam target 3 taun ini -_-

Friday, June 17, 2011

from white nights written by Fyodor Dostoevsky

    And was it his destined part
    Only one moment in his life
    To be close to your heart?
    Or was he fated from the start
    to live for just one fleeting instant,
    within the purlieus of your heart.
 - Ivan Turgenev

Monday, May 23, 2011

♥ Unbreakable Quantum ♥

ini mungkin ga seberapa dibandingin kenangan" aslinya sama mantan anggota Unbreakable Quantum (OSIS 2009/2010), khususnya bareng kakak-kakak angkatan 2010/2011 yang baru aja kemaren lulus dari SMAN 2 TSM :')
kita bangga banget, alhamdulillah banyak yang udah keterima di universitas2 favourite. dan buat kakak-kakak yang belom lolos snmptn undangan jgn putus asa, kejar cita2nya, masih ada snmptn tulis, semoga bisa banggain semua Amin :)
hari ini kayanya kumpulan terakhir UQ di rumah a kiko, sayangnya yang dateng cuma 13 orang. but we have a great moment indeed. 
ada sih sebagian yang nginep, cowo doang pula -_- abisnya besok sekolah, kalo yang udah lulus sih libur zz.
inget banget dari mulai kaderisasi sampe bener2 ganti jabatan. kegambar jelas.
pulang dari rumah a kiko, kita ramein twitter pake hastag #UQmemories
sedih banget lah, jadi kangen banget. kalo aja bisa bener2 kumpul sama 29 orang :'(
ini beberapa tweet yang bisa aku dokumentasiin biar bisa terus diinget :

Sunday, April 24, 2011

what does nightmare mean?

it was so cold that night. badanku sudah tidak bisa menahan kantuk yang menyerang sejak beberapa hari lalu. semua orang dibawah atap itu sudah terlelap. Lampu, tv dan telfon pun sudah ikut beristirahat bersama jalanan yang ikut melengang sampai sejauh 1 km dari perumahan. tinggal aku sendiri. sendiri.
tanpa berpikir tentang apapun yang akan terjadi aku memasuki salah satu alam mimpi baru yang belum pernah aku jamah sebelumnya. ruangan itu. . . .

Sunday, February 27, 2011

anyone wants to help me to braid my hair?

from my tumblr ♥

Monday, January 31, 2011

Film Review

Tittle : Charlie St. Cloud
Cover quote : "Life is for living"
Director : Burr Steer
Cast : Zac Efron, Charlie Tahan, Amanda Crew, Augustus Prew, Donal Logue, Kim Basinger, Ray Liotta 
Distributor : Universal Pictures 
Year : 2010
Rating : ****

 Charlie St. Cloud is a young man overcome by grief at the death of his younger brother. So much so that he takes a job as caretaker of the cemetary in which his brother buried. Charlie has a special lasting bond with his brother though, as he can see him. Charlie meets up with his brother (Sam) each  night to play catch and talk. Then a girl comes into Charlie's life and he must choose between keeping a promise he made to Sam or going after the girl he loves.

- inspirated me about the value of life

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Sunday, January 9, 2011


Kebanyakan masalah itu bukan karena kesalahan mengidentifikasi hal kemudian menghasilkan solusi yang berkaitan dengan kecerdasan Intelektual tapi tidak semua orang dilahirkan baik dengan keterampilan verbal maupun faktor pendukung pembentuk kepribadian yang baik, karena itulah adanya toleransi sesama umat manusia bahkan sesama makhluk hidup yang telah tuhan ciptakan dengan tujuan yang sama. — Just still thinking, from my humble opinion.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

the stalker - adhitia sofyan

Every time you run away
I’ll always gonna find you
You’re always be found
Every place you hide away
I’ll always gonna guest it 
‘Cause you’re predictable 

*So Let it be, I stay your back and breathe
Can’t now you see, there’s no way and hell 
You can escape

Cos every time you see the rain
I’m every drop that you feel
And anywhere the sun would shine
I’m every ray that you feel

Anywhere you’d be right now
I’ll always gonna find you
The city is mine
Every scent you left behind 
I’ll always gonna feel them
Cause I know ‘em by heart

Bak to *

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

quotes ≈ literature

at first i've retweeted this:
"Did you change? Or am I seeing how you really are?"— @viatumblr 
but then i saw:
"We would never be the same in the different time. Things change." — Keisara.
so i make:
"life is about relativity"— me.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

my barbie ♥

udah lama ga maen looklet, waktu maen lagi jadi sepi. banyak barang2 baru :3
and this is my result:

i wanna save this look u,u
i reaaally <3 this look, i made this about a half year ago hahaha