Sunday, July 10, 2011

hystorical quotes of the day

you were never supposed to mean this much to me, i was never supposed to fall so hard. But you know what? i did and that's the truth, that's what keeps me holding on because it hurts like hell to let you go.
"cie" means i'm jealous
if it still hurts, that means you still care
this is looking like a contest of who can act like they care less
i dont hate you, just dont care about you
the less you care the heppier you will be
- Alexithymia is difficulty describing feeling to other people
pain makes you stronger, tears make you braver, heartbreak make you wiser. so thank the past for a better future.
when someone says "you just made my day" it makes my day.
guy friends are bomb. they're hilarious, cool, fun to hang out with, no awkwardness until you start to like one.
- physiological fact : the human body's response to love are pupil dilation, sweaty palms and increase heart rate. these are the same response that gives off when experiencing deep fear

i just like you, afraid of losing you but not too much not so enough. "you never realise how much you like somone until you watch them like someone else" tha's why i keep me inside yours.
wierd may not always be good. but wierd's always different.
anyone can love the rose but it takes a great deal to love a leaf. it's ordinary to love the beautiful, but it is beautiful to love the ordinary.
- fact 418 from tinyfacts : humans and dolphins are the only animal species that make love for pleasure

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

chevron >>

honestly, setelah beberapa tahun blogwalking sangat disadari bahwa almost what i posted is rubbishing :))
hampir semuanya curhat yang tersirat.
tentang tersirat, aku udah kelas 12 looooh (apa hubungannya?)
jadi gini sejak 2 tahun yang lalu aku mengabdi pada nusa dan bangsa, yo man! *naon
maksudnya sejak awal masuk SMA, masih banyak sekali yang harus dibenahi. ada satu semester lagi yang harus aku kejar demi cita2 masuk SNMPTN undangan u,u
sayangnya masih banyak banget to do list yang belom bisa dicapai dalam target 3 taun ini -_-